Similar to my Alaskan escapade, I have a 2-prong objective in my OZ trip: climb its highest mountain, and mingle with the 'locals' hehe.
What's an Aussie trip without a glimpse of a Koala or a Kangaroo?! And so, driven by desire to get close and personal with the 'natives', I did a quick wildlife tour and capture images of these magnificent animals. Bonus to that, there was a Dugong in Sydney Aquarium (sorry - not in the wild), but since it was my first time to see them - medyo awesome pa rin ang experience for me!
On the wild side - the 'roos are fine and healthy population, but sadly - on the way to Snowy Mountains, I caught several glimpses of road kills. :( In Oz, road kills are not your regular pusa at aso, but wombats, 'roos and other small mammals. Sad, but that's life in the outback.
Of course, my main objective is to climb my 6th peak of the (Bass List) 7 summits :) - and although i'm expecting an easy climb - I still experience something new and different. Like being bombarded (note - not gusty) with 60-80kph winds! And oh, i saw several kids (even toddlers) summitting the highest mountain in Oz - Mt. Kosciousko!
Great food, unique mountain outback, pleasant animal encounters, an easy climb and a nice Sydney weather - made my Christmas vacation somewhat relaxing and unique. ;)